Pêché Mignon: A Haven of Traditional Breads and A Must-Try Croustade aux Pommes

In the heart of Toulouse, on 37 Rue du Languedoc, a modest bakery has been charming both locals and travelers. Pêché Mignon, which translates to ‘A Guilty Pleasure’, is indeed a treasure trove of guilt-free delights. Acquired by Christophe and Charlotte Zasso in December 2021, this bakery offers an impressive assortment of traditional breads, pastries, and baked goods. Their minimalistic yet heartwarming ambiance invites you to stay longer over coffee or a delightful snack.

But, what steals the show is their variant of the regional pastry - Croustade aux Pommes or Pastis Gascon. This classic dessert from the southwestern region of France, often called Gascony, is traditionally made with layers of thin puff pastry, filled with apples marinated in Armagnac - a distinctive kind of brandy produced in the Armagnac region in Gascony, southwest France. The origins of this dish trace back centuries, and it’s believed that the technique of stretching the dough was influenced by the Moors during the early medieval period.

Now, let's talk about what makes Pêché Mignon’s Croustade aux Pommes extraordinary. Firstly, the shape - it deviates from the conventional round pie to rectangular slices. Secondly, the topping - rather than the regular flaky pastry, there is a layer of caramelized sugar craquelin, which adds a divine sweet crunchiness. Lastly, the filling - Pêché Mignon opts for a silky-smooth apple compote instead of the chunky apple mixture.

Each bite is a blend of crispy, sweet, and slightly tart flavors, which, as they describe on their Instagram, "Look at it... caramelized on top, crispy, and this apple compote... Mmmmm, what happiness! 🤤".

It’s not just the Croustade that’s irresistible, Pêché Mignon also offers a plethora of other baked goods. Their baguette duo de blé, a blend of soft wheat flour and durum wheat semolina, is known for being airy on the inside and crispy outside. They also have delectable cakes, cookies, and tarts.

Pêché Mignon is always bustling with a queue stretching outside, a testament to its popularity. If you’re in Toulouse walking through the neighborhood of Carmes, don’t miss the opportunity to indulge in their heavenly Croustade aux Pommes and their other mouth-watering creations.

Follow them on Instagram at @pechemignon_boulangerie and make sure to pay them a visit at 37 Rue du Languedoc, Toulouse. Your taste buds will thank you!

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